Is that the best you can do?Come and try..
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tonight our Harimau Muda team will perform the final match of Sea Games against Indonesia,so RAWR OUT LOUD!!!!!
Okay,cuti sekolah yang setakat sebulan setengah tapi sangat dihargai sudah pun bermula,ayah suruh ambik tusyen,ok dad,nak build abs *I really got to kickass hard this holiday,what else??
Theres nothing much about my daily life actually.Well there is,but I just don't think its necessary to tell here.
Tiap2 pagi bangun awal,lepas solat workout,and tiap2 petang workout lagi,oleh itu,saya rasa,saya perlu menambah koleksi seluar trek yang saya ada sekarang.haha,sebab sekarang pagi petang siang malam pakai seluar trek,mana cukup. XD
Kebelakangan ni aku asyik memikirkan tentang 'SAYA NAK ADIK'.hahaha
Entah apa demam,ni semua pengaruh seorang mamat bernama HAKIIM ZAKI<---member tago tp hati kaca.Disebabkan adik dia sangatlah BULAT,NAKAL,dan paling penting SANGATSANGATCOMEL!!!!!ARGHHHHH,aku nk gila tgk adik dia,haha,nasib baik adik dia,kalau adik aku?? HARI2 AKU CUBIT PIPI.hari2 nangis budak tu aku rase.haha.
First time aku tgk adik dia dekat SKJ4 punya karnival,Ya Allah~~~~punyalah BULAT budak tu!!botak pulak tuuuu~!aigooooooo~~~~mcm Ipin maaaaa(berbaju biru cair lagi).
Bayangkan dekat rumah dia ada lagi tiga mcm tu,Ya Allah,hindarilah aku daripada menculik budak2 itu.AMIN. XD
Oleh itu,aku yg tak pernah berinteraksi dengan budak2 ni pun*disebabkan terdesak nak adik,aku mengacau lah budak sebelah aku yg tengah asyik bermain belon angry bird.hahaha,dengan selamba dan toyanya aku kacau anak orang walaupun mak dan abg dia depan mata aku,haha,bukanlah kacau ape pun,gurau2 manja gitu.Sampai muncung budak tu tapi mak dia pun sporting je*mungkin memahami tahap terdesak aku.
Berbalik kepada perbualan formal,haha,baru-baru ini,saya telah TER'figure out' seorang manusia ini yang berjantina perempuan,sangatlah kurang rasa malu dalam dirinya terhadap kaum berlainan jenis.(Aku rase cm nak lempang2 je minah tu).
Sampai sini sahajalah bebelan dari saya,Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah. PEACE.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Bosan dan muak kerana terlalu banyak membuang masa di Facebook,aku mengambil keputusan untuk deactivate akaun facebook aku.Atas permintaan rakan untuk aku mengupload gambar2 kami di sekolah,aku aktifkan semula account facebook aku.Walaubagaimanapun,aku tetap aku deactivate gambar2 itu semula selepas semua orang dah bosan tengok gambar2 tu semua.Tapi dalam masa menunggu mereka bosan tengok,aku tetap akan mengurangkan waktuku di facebook.
Sesungguhnya ketenangan yang aku cari dan kejar tidak berada di Facebook,atau mana2 laman sesawang yang lain,kini aku lebih terbuka untuk meluangkan masa dalam beribadat,menghadap Tuhan yang Maha Esa,dari situ aku yakin,banyak hikmah dan ketenangan yang akan kuterima sebagai ganjaran.Amin.
Di ruang yang kecil inilah ingin aku mengingatkan rakan2 yang lain agar sentiasa ingat bahawa dunia ini sangat menyeronokkan dan melekakan.Namun yang melekakan itulah yang seharusnya kita hindari.
Renung2kan dan selamat beramal.PEACE no war.
Sekian dari saya,Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Apakah itu ADII,atau siapakah itu ADII?Biarlah Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui sahaja yang mengetahui.ADII merupakan SEORANG bukan SESUATU.ADII seorang remaja lelaki yang normal dari luaran tetapi sangat abnormal atau lebih 'cambest' dikatakan luar biasa dari dalaman.ADII merupakan manusia yang mengembalikan rasa cinta saya untuk menge'post' blog saya dalam bahasa Melayu.Tanpa disedari dan tanpa paksaan atau terma dan syarat,saya menyedari,bukan sahaja B.Melayu yang saya mula minat,malah ADII itu sendiri.
Melihatkan personaliti ADII yang menarik dan menolak perhatian itu,saya menjadi tertarik dan tertolak terhadapnya.Dia tenang dan berbudi bahasa,rajin dan menghormati orang tua.Mungkin kata sifat yang ditujukan kepada ADII agak hiperbola disitu,tetapi itu realitinya.*kenapa?anda dengki?hahah.
Walaubagaimanapun,saya mengetahui dan jelas bahawa ADII bukanlah seorang yang mudah didekati*malah saya tidak mahu pun mendekatinya.Menjadi pemerhati dan pengkagum ADII sudah mencukupi bagi saya.Saya menjadikan ADII sebagai salah satu rujukan untuk saya sentiasa bersifat sabar.Saya tidak menipui,saya sangat mengagumi ADII.
Sekalipun ADII tidak mengetahui bahawa dia menjadi antara contoh yang baik bagi saya,namun saya tetap ingin mengatakan,TERIMA KASIH ADII.Banyak yang saya pelajari dari anda.Selamat berjaya.Sekian,saya Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah.Assalamualaikum. :)
Melihatkan personaliti ADII yang menarik dan menolak perhatian itu,saya menjadi tertarik dan tertolak terhadapnya.Dia tenang dan berbudi bahasa,rajin dan menghormati orang tua.Mungkin kata sifat yang ditujukan kepada ADII agak hiperbola disitu,tetapi itu realitinya.*kenapa?anda dengki?hahah.
Walaubagaimanapun,saya mengetahui dan jelas bahawa ADII bukanlah seorang yang mudah didekati*malah saya tidak mahu pun mendekatinya.Menjadi pemerhati dan pengkagum ADII sudah mencukupi bagi saya.Saya menjadikan ADII sebagai salah satu rujukan untuk saya sentiasa bersifat sabar.Saya tidak menipui,saya sangat mengagumi ADII.
Sekalipun ADII tidak mengetahui bahawa dia menjadi antara contoh yang baik bagi saya,namun saya tetap ingin mengatakan,TERIMA KASIH ADII.Banyak yang saya pelajari dari anda.Selamat berjaya.Sekian,saya Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah.Assalamualaikum. :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hidup dan kehidupan.
Tu diaa,nampak tak title post nie?NAMPAK TAK??hahah,macam pujangga pulak rasa haa.
Sebermulanya kisah di blog aku yang tak seberapa ni,dan yang tak ada kene mengena dengan tajuk ni,mengisahkan tentang si AKU,dan si SEKOLAH.
Dah dua minggu berturut2,aku menggalas tanggungjawab,ke hulu dan hilir,memanggil ahli rumah kuning dan pengakap di setiap kelas,penatnye,Tuhan sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui tau.Berbekalkan homework yang gentlebaiktampan punya banyak,dan kerja2 yang melibatkan aktiviti fizikal,maka sepanjang dua minggu tu,badan aku menjadi sakit2,sengal2 selama seminggu ditambah dengan selsema secukup rasa.
Dalam minggu kedua tu,ada acara tarik tali,di Semi-final-ke-2,rumah kuning telah kalah.Aku tak kisah kalah atau menang sangat,aku terima ketentuan Ilahi,tapi aku sangat bersimpati dengan kesakitan setiap pemain yang aku tahu sudah berusaha sedaya dan seupaya.*Rasa mcm tgh perang pulak.Kemudian aku mengambil keputusan untuk menge'post' kata2 pujian dan menyedapkan hati untuk setiap pemain di 'dinding' Facebook mereka.Alhamdulillah mereka juga menerima keputusan dengan hati terbuka.Setakat ni tak ada yang mengambil keputusan untuk terjun bangunan,minum racun tikus,atau membahayakan diri lagi.
Pada hari Sabtu,merangkap semalam,aku dan majoriti budak tingakat 4,telah pergi melawat Pusat Kesenian Islam dan Muzium Negara.Manakala,ahli pengakap yang juga terdapat sebahagian pelajar tingkatan 4 telah menjalani kem pengakap yang nampak membosankan,tapi sekurang2nya mereka mendapat dua lencana,anda ada?
Sekian sahaja laporan untuk kali ini,saya Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah.Wasalam.
Sebermulanya kisah di blog aku yang tak seberapa ni,dan yang tak ada kene mengena dengan tajuk ni,mengisahkan tentang si AKU,dan si SEKOLAH.
Dah dua minggu berturut2,aku menggalas tanggungjawab,ke hulu dan hilir,memanggil ahli rumah kuning dan pengakap di setiap kelas,penatnye,Tuhan sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui tau.Berbekalkan homework yang gentlebaiktampan punya banyak,dan kerja2 yang melibatkan aktiviti fizikal,maka sepanjang dua minggu tu,badan aku menjadi sakit2,sengal2 selama seminggu ditambah dengan selsema secukup rasa.
Dalam minggu kedua tu,ada acara tarik tali,di Semi-final-ke-2,rumah kuning telah kalah.Aku tak kisah kalah atau menang sangat,aku terima ketentuan Ilahi,tapi aku sangat bersimpati dengan kesakitan setiap pemain yang aku tahu sudah berusaha sedaya dan seupaya.*Rasa mcm tgh perang pulak.Kemudian aku mengambil keputusan untuk menge'post' kata2 pujian dan menyedapkan hati untuk setiap pemain di 'dinding' Facebook mereka.Alhamdulillah mereka juga menerima keputusan dengan hati terbuka.Setakat ni tak ada yang mengambil keputusan untuk terjun bangunan,minum racun tikus,atau membahayakan diri lagi.
Pada hari Sabtu,merangkap semalam,aku dan majoriti budak tingakat 4,telah pergi melawat Pusat Kesenian Islam dan Muzium Negara.Manakala,ahli pengakap yang juga terdapat sebahagian pelajar tingkatan 4 telah menjalani kem pengakap yang nampak membosankan,tapi sekurang2nya mereka mendapat dua lencana,anda ada?
Sekian sahaja laporan untuk kali ini,saya Nurul Amalina Binti Kamal melaporkan dari Rumah.Wasalam.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Saya anak Malaysia!
Pada hari ini,di sekolah,pada waktu sivik merangkap waktu keempat untuk hari ini,saya dan rakan2 telah ditempatkan di makmal komputer,kami sebagai anak2 kurun ke-21,mengambil keputusan untuk berinternet.Saya telah mengesyorkan blog seseorang kepada rakan2 dikelas.Ketua kelas saya yang bernama Miss XXXX sangat berminat dan katanya "aku rase aku dah jatuh cinta dengan blog dia".Maka saya hanya ketawa dan terbangga.Jika anda perasan,saya yang batak ber'speaking' dalam blog selama ini telah memilih untuk bermadah dalam bahasa melayu hari ini.Ternyata pengaruh yang disebarkan oleh HAMBA ALLAH itu sangat kuat.Tidak saya nafikan,sesungguhnya hati saya sudah lama tertarik dengan HAMBA ALLAH ini.Kulitnya yang sawo matang dan giginya yang sedikit mancung sangat menarik perhatian saya setiap kali dia bersukan di tapak perhimpunan di sekolah.*malu2.
Walaubagaimanapun,saya hanya tertarik dengan perwatakan dia di blog yang sangat sangat sangat sangat jauh bezanya dengan penampilannya.Memandangkan kami tidak mengenali satu sama lain dengan lebih baik,(atau BELUM lagi),saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak menegur atau meng'poke' dia di alam nyata mahupun alam maya.
Hari ini saya telah mengambil makan tengah hari yang sangat sangat banyak*Oh tuhanku!
Selain dari makan tengah hari yang banyak,sesuatu yang boleh dikatakan menyakitkan hati+terkejut besar+tak percaya telah berlaku.Begini ceritanya,ketika saya yang kepenatan,sakit kaki,lapar,dan niat hati yang hendak pulang secepat mungkin sedang berjalan menuju pagar sekolah,saya telah ternampak makhluk bernama Mirza,kawan baik saya,kemudian saya mendekati Mirza dan berbual-bual kosong.Tiba2 saya terlihat akan budak form3 yang saya kenali,kami menge'hai' sesama sendiri.Ayat pertama yang dikeluarkan dari mulut budak itu membuatkan saya terduduk walaupun masa tu dah duduk.Budak itu berkata "Hye madu ********".Saya telah dikatakan madu kepada seseorang bernama WANITA.Saya menjadi terkejut dan panas hati kerana saya faham maksud budak itu.Saya cuma tersenyum kambing sambil memandang Mirza dengan pandangan yang bermaksud "Mampus aku!" atau "D'OH!".
Walaubagaimanapun,saya hanya tertarik dengan perwatakan dia di blog yang sangat sangat sangat sangat jauh bezanya dengan penampilannya.Memandangkan kami tidak mengenali satu sama lain dengan lebih baik,(atau BELUM lagi),saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak menegur atau meng'poke' dia di alam nyata mahupun alam maya.
Hari ini saya telah mengambil makan tengah hari yang sangat sangat banyak*Oh tuhanku!
Selain dari makan tengah hari yang banyak,sesuatu yang boleh dikatakan menyakitkan hati+terkejut besar+tak percaya telah berlaku.Begini ceritanya,ketika saya yang kepenatan,sakit kaki,lapar,dan niat hati yang hendak pulang secepat mungkin sedang berjalan menuju pagar sekolah,saya telah ternampak makhluk bernama Mirza,kawan baik saya,kemudian saya mendekati Mirza dan berbual-bual kosong.Tiba2 saya terlihat akan budak form3 yang saya kenali,kami menge'hai' sesama sendiri.Ayat pertama yang dikeluarkan dari mulut budak itu membuatkan saya terduduk walaupun masa tu dah duduk.Budak itu berkata "Hye madu ********".Saya telah dikatakan madu kepada seseorang bernama WANITA.Saya menjadi terkejut dan panas hati kerana saya faham maksud budak itu.Saya cuma tersenyum kambing sambil memandang Mirza dengan pandangan yang bermaksud "Mampus aku!" atau "D'OH!".
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saya sayang diri sendiri sgt2!
Ok fine,based on the title,its obvious,I want to talk about myself,heres a thing,I love myself sodamnfreakingkingking much!Muuahhh3 to me,hahaahaha,*ok this is nut.
I love almost everything about my life,u know,it is hard,*as hard as !@#%^% U BET,however,the hardness is what every human need,because without all the hardness,human will never learn anything out of life itself,so come on,don't break down so easily,everything happen for a reason eh?sure yeah!*but don't u ever use such word like "everything happen for a reason" when u steal someone's bf,or u're a slut.
Ouh yeeeaaahhhh,I'm single da mingle!But yeah,I'm not sad about it,not happy either,I'm just like,"oookeyyyy",because,apparently,its not something bad actually,I just want all of us to keep moving on and fall in love in marriege u see?So thats it,BUT BUT BUT,I'm single but NOT AVAILABLE!,pffttt.Hahaha.It's because I don't feel like getting "in a relationship" with anyone,so I'm soo not available,only if you are epa,toma,or khaireen,or adlin,then u can be my sygs2,hue3..currently,not calling any guy "syg"..?ok euw.hahaha.
getting pretty much better,love you books and homeworks,muah3!
Arts is my soul honey,I sing every the day,I practice acting,and writing,and singing,and ing ing ing ing,coz I love arts like it was my lifeeeee.Weee XD
I hope I have a very bright future in arts,AMIIIINNN.I admit it that I'd love to be famous,having my own fan club,*ececehhh,but the main point is thats my passion,how can I help it?It doesn't really matter I have fan club or famous or so,thats not my main target anyway,I'm into this because I love this,ok honeyss??
Right,I'm away from lappy now,I'm so tired,and hungry,gonna grab something for nyum2,papaii XD
I love almost everything about my life,u know,it is hard,*as hard as !@#%^% U BET,however,the hardness is what every human need,because without all the hardness,human will never learn anything out of life itself,so come on,don't break down so easily,everything happen for a reason eh?sure yeah!*but don't u ever use such word like "everything happen for a reason" when u steal someone's bf,or u're a slut.
Ouh yeeeaaahhhh,I'm single da mingle!But yeah,I'm not sad about it,not happy either,I'm just like,"oookeyyyy",because,apparently,its not something bad actually,I just want all of us to keep moving on and fall in love in marriege u see?So thats it,BUT BUT BUT,I'm single but NOT AVAILABLE!,pffttt.Hahaha.It's because I don't feel like getting "in a relationship" with anyone,so I'm soo not available,only if you are epa,toma,or khaireen,or adlin,then u can be my sygs2,hue3..currently,not calling any guy "syg"..?ok euw.hahaha.
getting pretty much better,love you books and homeworks,muah3!
Arts is my soul honey,I sing every the day,I practice acting,and writing,and singing,and ing ing ing ing,coz I love arts like it was my lifeeeee.Weee XD
I hope I have a very bright future in arts,AMIIIINNN.I admit it that I'd love to be famous,having my own fan club,*ececehhh,but the main point is thats my passion,how can I help it?It doesn't really matter I have fan club or famous or so,thats not my main target anyway,I'm into this because I love this,ok honeyss??
Right,I'm away from lappy now,I'm so tired,and hungry,gonna grab something for nyum2,papaii XD
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My Random Awesome !
I love you,I love you,I love you!!!!!
You're so awesome,but way so random,and you're lovingly funny!!
I dunno what the heaven is happening here in my life recently,but I;m just soooo into HAZAMA AHMAD AZMI!
I never much care about arttist until me myself wants to be an artist,but I just serrrrrriiiooouuuusssslllyyyyyyy feel that way right now!
Btw,mylife,heyyyyyy,May is...hurm,soryy,but sucks.
I dont want to talk about it,not anymore.
But pleeeaaassseeeee,someone pls teach me singing,I want to be someone in that industry,or at least a musician,teach me any instrument,anything!!Anything that can probably meet me up with him,my super favourite artist!!
I promise I'll be a good student,I promise!!!I'll learn hard!PLEEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!!
I want to drop school and enter the Academy of Arts,keluar2 boleh carik keje dah,isn't it cool??
I WANT TO LIVE MY DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're so awesome,but way so random,and you're lovingly funny!!
I dunno what the heaven is happening here in my life recently,but I;m just soooo into HAZAMA AHMAD AZMI!
I never much care about arttist until me myself wants to be an artist,but I just serrrrrriiiooouuuusssslllyyyyyyy feel that way right now!
Btw,mylife,heyyyyyy,May is...hurm,soryy,but sucks.
I dont want to talk about it,not anymore.
But pleeeaaassseeeee,someone pls teach me singing,I want to be someone in that industry,or at least a musician,teach me any instrument,anything!!Anything that can probably meet me up with him,my super favourite artist!!
I promise I'll be a good student,I promise!!!I'll learn hard!PLEEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!!
I want to drop school and enter the Academy of Arts,keluar2 boleh carik keje dah,isn't it cool??
I WANT TO LIVE MY DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Banyak bunyiK!
Lagu Banyak Bunyi is quite right with my taste,haha.
Layan rap kejap la hari Ahad nie,ada betul??
Ohooooohooiii!bulan Mei dah masuk,mesti busy,KONFIRM,ader midyear exam,ada pergi London,ade hari guru,ade dateline,wait,AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!DATELINE...!AAAAAAAAAAAA~D.A.T.E.L.I.N.E!
Fuhhhhh,aku takut betul kalau masuk topik dateline nieh,my dateline on 27th May lah honey,mane x cuak?
Btw,jap,masuk hip hop jap,MALIQUE IS BACK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!
Ok sambung,adehh,pagi tadi jogging dgn abang,arghhhh,dapat 3 round jer,sakitnyeeee hatiiiii.Its oke,next time kasi 4 round yer budak??(pesanan untuk diri sendiri).haha,
And also,lately,I have this very bad symptom,I'm scared of juniors at my school,last time I hate them,then I think they are so cute,now,I'm scared of them,*ape jadah jadi dgn aku skg?WTH,I hate this feeling lah weyh.Lastly,just wait for the adventure on May,bring it on!wahaha,gelabah gila,nanti aku yg terduduk.Ya Allah,permudahkanlah perjalanan ini,AMIIIIIN!
Layan rap kejap la hari Ahad nie,ada betul??
Ohooooohooiii!bulan Mei dah masuk,mesti busy,KONFIRM,ader midyear exam,ada pergi London,ade hari guru,ade dateline,wait,AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!DATELINE...!AAAAAAAAAAAA~D.A.T.E.L.I.N.E!
Fuhhhhh,aku takut betul kalau masuk topik dateline nieh,my dateline on 27th May lah honey,mane x cuak?
Btw,jap,masuk hip hop jap,MALIQUE IS BACK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!
Ok sambung,adehh,pagi tadi jogging dgn abang,arghhhh,dapat 3 round jer,sakitnyeeee hatiiiii.Its oke,next time kasi 4 round yer budak??(pesanan untuk diri sendiri).haha,
And also,lately,I have this very bad symptom,I'm scared of juniors at my school,last time I hate them,then I think they are so cute,now,I'm scared of them,*ape jadah jadi dgn aku skg?WTH,I hate this feeling lah weyh.Lastly,just wait for the adventure on May,bring it on!wahaha,gelabah gila,nanti aku yg terduduk.Ya Allah,permudahkanlah perjalanan ini,AMIIIIIN!
Monday, April 18, 2011
This tittle is not so random,I meant it,WHATEVER.
Jom tulis BM secara majoriti.
Tahukah anda,kdg2 saya rase mcm nak yell depan muka anda dan cakap;
"COULD U STOP JUDGING,just effing shut up,I don't need your effing mouth to effing open,moreover to effing say a word,just shut up!I effing hate it when u start bitching around,got it?"
Asal aku kesah sangat la ape ko pikir???Sorry kalau ader readers pun la,today,masalah dalaman wanita,jadi paham2 la,dengan keadaan di sekolah yg mcm hape jer!!
Has been soo much ruined up!I'm wounded,hurts all over my body,I just need some rest!REST,u fool.*not u,no,not readers,but a woman name Woman.She can basically,"sakit"!
Jom tulis BM secara majoriti.
Tahukah anda,kdg2 saya rase mcm nak yell depan muka anda dan cakap;
"COULD U STOP JUDGING,just effing shut up,I don't need your effing mouth to effing open,moreover to effing say a word,just shut up!I effing hate it when u start bitching around,got it?"
Asal aku kesah sangat la ape ko pikir???Sorry kalau ader readers pun la,today,masalah dalaman wanita,jadi paham2 la,dengan keadaan di sekolah yg mcm hape jer!!
Has been soo much ruined up!I'm wounded,hurts all over my body,I just need some rest!REST,u fool.*not u,no,not readers,but a woman name Woman.She can basically,"sakit"!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
New Post.
Again,I have no idea for the title,aish!*apelah masalah aku?haha
Wake up at 5 something in the morning,minum plain water,turun bawah,minum susu,makan kurma 3 biji,naik atas,dgr laguuuuuuuuuuuu,abg panggil,turun bawah,pakai tudung,sweater,earphone,stokin,kasut,warm up,JOGGING!!haha,but I feel goooooddd about it.*Mama,xnk gi jejalan ke hari nii??huhuhu.Sunday,nak buat aper??duduk rumah,aku tgk buku,buku tgk aku,pastu tgk tv,haha,easy breezy.
Here another thing,it happened on Friday(I know Friday will always be miracle!)
Theres a junior,she's so cute,she post on my fb wall "thanks approve kakak comel",ever since that,I already have a good thoughts about her.Then we have a very long chat semalam,at my wall,while I'm having my Kerdipan Bintang event.*Arigatouuu sudi teman.
My turn is such a long waiting,so luckily ada junior sudi teman ye x?hehe.I think she's nice,*well,mostly junior aku kenal semua nice,haha.
Or is it me yg memang adore semua junior kot??
Aihh,my junior F3,take care,blaja elok2 yeah?Ok dah.
Dateline for my workout dah nak dekat,27th May!!AAAAAAAA!!!Allie,wake up!wake up!This is not the time nak duduk2 melepak okay??!Ermmm,I think I should do this thing called "meditasi",haha,just sit on my bed,writing some inspiring poems,kan2??Currently,I've been training my vocal,don't know why,I sing more often,haha,why eh?
AAAAAAAAAA!!*another thing that scream my heart out!Mid-year exam,sangat mendebarkan,why was that??I have to spent more time studying,more time workout,double every effort,double tired la me!huhu,I need makanan tambahan la mamaaa...
Hope everything went well,Amiiinnn!
Wake up at 5 something in the morning,minum plain water,turun bawah,minum susu,makan kurma 3 biji,naik atas,dgr laguuuuuuuuuuuu,abg panggil,turun bawah,pakai tudung,sweater,earphone,stokin,kasut,warm up,JOGGING!!haha,but I feel goooooddd about it.*Mama,xnk gi jejalan ke hari nii??huhuhu.Sunday,nak buat aper??duduk rumah,aku tgk buku,buku tgk aku,pastu tgk tv,haha,easy breezy.
Here another thing,it happened on Friday(I know Friday will always be miracle!)
Theres a junior,she's so cute,she post on my fb wall "thanks approve kakak comel",ever since that,I already have a good thoughts about her.Then we have a very long chat semalam,at my wall,while I'm having my Kerdipan Bintang event.*Arigatouuu sudi teman.
My turn is such a long waiting,so luckily ada junior sudi teman ye x?hehe.I think she's nice,*well,mostly junior aku kenal semua nice,haha.
Or is it me yg memang adore semua junior kot??
Aihh,my junior F3,take care,blaja elok2 yeah?Ok dah.
Dateline for my workout dah nak dekat,27th May!!AAAAAAAA!!!Allie,wake up!wake up!This is not the time nak duduk2 melepak okay??!Ermmm,I think I should do this thing called "meditasi",haha,just sit on my bed,writing some inspiring poems,kan2??Currently,I've been training my vocal,don't know why,I sing more often,haha,why eh?
AAAAAAAAAA!!*another thing that scream my heart out!Mid-year exam,sangat mendebarkan,why was that??I have to spent more time studying,more time workout,double every effort,double tired la me!huhu,I need makanan tambahan la mamaaa...
Hope everything went well,Amiiinnn!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Penat la,ape lagi,haha XD
Kalau dah kate "Hidup Amalina sehari-hari",mmg la penat,ape lagi la yang boleh dikatakan ttg hidupku yang penuh dengan perjuangan ini.*ape kejadah la tulis blog kaler pink mcm ni.
Fuuuhh,pagi ni,wake up at 6:13,haha,wake up,brush my hair,cuci muka,gosok baju,mandi3,(asal aku mcm Rebecca Black nie?)
Leave those lame stuff behind.Skip to school,fuh.I'm so not in a good mood!Pressure,gilaa.During the recess,Chacho-ya was basically forcing3 me to go down and jalan3,but I got thousands of work to settle up,so I said NO,again,NO,I CAN'T,again,I CAN'T,xtaw sejak bila,dia jadi xpaham bahasa,I feel soooo uneasy,tapi aku relax lagi,then theres 3 prefects passed by my class,and so prefect yg amanah giler babeng dgn cikgu disiplin tu pun suh aku keluar,KELUAR3,*as if aku pekak sgt.Then I said,kejap la,nk gunting sikit je lagi,but they force me like,"NOW!",and so I started to hempas2 barang,before that Chacho-ya took my biscuit,even when I said "Xboleh,aku lapar",heloo people,I said 3 TIMES!!Still,she took it,tggal satu,SATU jer untuk aku yg tgh lapar dan depress,*KEJAM!!
Back to the prefect,time aku start hempas2 barang Anis dah perasan my emotion went over the limit a bit,she said to Nasrul and Mierre,"aku xsuke bila Allie moody",and they were all like "Agak la",.And so pengawas still forcing2,I yelled,"Sabar la!human la sikit,aku nak 2 saat jer lagi pun!",and when Anis heard that,she knew I'm going to explode.Then I went out of the class,I spent my time alone for a while,then when I'm just trying to get some air,Chacho-ya step up in front of me and messed me up.I turned,put my hand on the wall,then she appeared suddenly,AGAIN,right in front of my face,and starting from that point,I GET EXPLODED!I screamed,"ECAH,COULD YOU PLEASE STOP IT!!!!",as loud as I can.People,PLEASE,when someone is sad,u get yourself close,and see what u can do,when someone is DEPPRESS,KEEP YOURSELF DISTANCE!Give them SPACE to COOL DOWN,OKEY???!And so Anis came to me slowly,"weyh Allie,ko ok x nie",and I just said,"aku xtaw lah weh,aku just,out of control kejap",but at that time I'm feeling better allready.
FUHHHH,nobody likes me when I get mad.Haha.
Then tuition,geng ANNOYERS,XDATANG!!Weee!
To be continued...
Fuuuhh,pagi ni,wake up at 6:13,haha,wake up,brush my hair,cuci muka,gosok baju,mandi3,(asal aku mcm Rebecca Black nie?)
Leave those lame stuff behind.Skip to school,fuh.I'm so not in a good mood!Pressure,gilaa.During the recess,Chacho-ya was basically forcing3 me to go down and jalan3,but I got thousands of work to settle up,so I said NO,again,NO,I CAN'T,again,I CAN'T,xtaw sejak bila,dia jadi xpaham bahasa,I feel soooo uneasy,tapi aku relax lagi,then theres 3 prefects passed by my class,and so prefect yg amanah giler babeng dgn cikgu disiplin tu pun suh aku keluar,KELUAR3,*as if aku pekak sgt.Then I said,kejap la,nk gunting sikit je lagi,but they force me like,"NOW!",and so I started to hempas2 barang,before that Chacho-ya took my biscuit,even when I said "Xboleh,aku lapar",heloo people,I said 3 TIMES!!Still,she took it,tggal satu,SATU jer untuk aku yg tgh lapar dan depress,*KEJAM!!
Back to the prefect,time aku start hempas2 barang Anis dah perasan my emotion went over the limit a bit,she said to Nasrul and Mierre,"aku xsuke bila Allie moody",and they were all like "Agak la",.And so pengawas still forcing2,I yelled,"Sabar la!human la sikit,aku nak 2 saat jer lagi pun!",and when Anis heard that,she knew I'm going to explode.Then I went out of the class,I spent my time alone for a while,then when I'm just trying to get some air,Chacho-ya step up in front of me and messed me up.I turned,put my hand on the wall,then she appeared suddenly,AGAIN,right in front of my face,and starting from that point,I GET EXPLODED!I screamed,"ECAH,COULD YOU PLEASE STOP IT!!!!",as loud as I can.People,PLEASE,when someone is sad,u get yourself close,and see what u can do,when someone is DEPPRESS,KEEP YOURSELF DISTANCE!Give them SPACE to COOL DOWN,OKEY???!And so Anis came to me slowly,"weyh Allie,ko ok x nie",and I just said,"aku xtaw lah weh,aku just,out of control kejap",but at that time I'm feeling better allready.
FUHHHH,nobody likes me when I get mad.Haha.
Then tuition,geng ANNOYERS,XDATANG!!Weee!
To be continued...
Monday, April 11, 2011
AHAHAHA,ok I know I usually have no great title,moreover not even when I'm in this kind of mood*nothing-much-to-write mood.hahaha,so whatever came across my mind,just put it as the title,hehe.
My life has been a bit too random lately,so do my behaviour.But still,I'm wise enough to avoid such stupid3 stuffss.
I don't want to talk about my super fight with a guy name Guy(bukan nama sebenar).
Duduknye saya depan laptop nie,nak kaborkan ttg kejadian di tuition pada siang tadi,yg sgt la menyakitkan hati,saya ulang,MENYAKITKAN HATI,in my life,just call it as ANNOYING!Tapi normal la kalau hal tersebut ditimbulkan oleh seseorang yang memang digelar "ANNOYMOUS"!
Annoymous,Botak,and Hell,is a group of ANNOYERS.(baru reka sesaat tadi)
At tution,they sit 2 table at my back.Annoymous is sooooo annoying,super duper!Botak xpernah carik pasal ngn aku,ptg tadi baru first time,and Hell,pun xpeernah,tapi mcm la aku xtaw dia dah lama nk carik pasal ngn aku.
Petang tadi,dgn takde kejenyer,*walaupun cikgu bagi byk keje),
dorg bertiga3,was looking at me,then laugh,then look,then laugh,then look,then laugh,what the heck??!Then I ask mierre,"weyh mierre,ko jujur ngn aku skg,aku nmpak cm badut ker??",then mierre said,I'm just fine.Then what the heck were they laughing about which is soo disturbing coz I'm facing at the back,easier to discuss question with Mierre.Then later,I told Anis about their weird-annoying act,then she said,THEY WERE ACTUALLY,MAYBE,JUST MAYBE,LOOKING AT MY ******!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
I never felt so much disturbing towards them as I did today!
Aku course mata korg buta,baru taw!
But the good thing is,most of the time,its Botak and Hell yg buat semua tu,Annoymous didn't involve much.He just being a bit disturbing after I burst a super loud laugh,wahaha,ok tu a bit embrassing.I hate u geng ANNOYERS.
My life has been a bit too random lately,so do my behaviour.But still,I'm wise enough to avoid such stupid3 stuffss.
I don't want to talk about my super fight with a guy name Guy(bukan nama sebenar).
Duduknye saya depan laptop nie,nak kaborkan ttg kejadian di tuition pada siang tadi,yg sgt la menyakitkan hati,saya ulang,MENYAKITKAN HATI,in my life,just call it as ANNOYING!Tapi normal la kalau hal tersebut ditimbulkan oleh seseorang yang memang digelar "ANNOYMOUS"!
Annoymous,Botak,and Hell,is a group of ANNOYERS.(baru reka sesaat tadi)
At tution,they sit 2 table at my back.Annoymous is sooooo annoying,super duper!Botak xpernah carik pasal ngn aku,ptg tadi baru first time,and Hell,pun xpeernah,tapi mcm la aku xtaw dia dah lama nk carik pasal ngn aku.
Petang tadi,dgn takde kejenyer,*walaupun cikgu bagi byk keje),
dorg bertiga3,was looking at me,then laugh,then look,then laugh,then look,then laugh,what the heck??!Then I ask mierre,"weyh mierre,ko jujur ngn aku skg,aku nmpak cm badut ker??",then mierre said,I'm just fine.Then what the heck were they laughing about which is soo disturbing coz I'm facing at the back,easier to discuss question with Mierre.Then later,I told Anis about their weird-annoying act,then she said,THEY WERE ACTUALLY,MAYBE,JUST MAYBE,LOOKING AT MY ******!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
I never felt so much disturbing towards them as I did today!
Aku course mata korg buta,baru taw!
But the good thing is,most of the time,its Botak and Hell yg buat semua tu,Annoymous didn't involve much.He just being a bit disturbing after I burst a super loud laugh,wahaha,ok tu a bit embrassing.I hate u geng ANNOYERS.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Again,tittle ni xde kene mengena dgn apa yg hendak ditaip,haha.*mcm xbiase jer.
Woahhh,this week,*sweat!,kills me.
Penat,penat,penat,penat,dan penat,there's so many things to say but....
since its too many,I already have no idea where to start.
What if we start with the sarcastic me??
WAIT2!There is something biggie happen this week,we(me,anis,mierre) got no tuition until Thursday.So,we've decide to stay back after school,and ya,what do u expect kitorg nak buat kalau kitorg stay?mestilah tunggu falling angel balik,oke,tell u what,2 jam 40 minit,kitorg duk goyang kaki kat bus stop tu,and dramatically,I STAND for the whole 2 hours and 4o mins.Bak kate aku kat Amelia,kalau kaki aku nie made in China,sah2 dah patah remuk dah.
But the climax of the story,is when it comes to Wednesday,so Rebecca Black,pasni buat lagu Wednesday pulak eh,tragic nieh!
Oke,Wednesday,me,Anis,and Mierre dah decide nk stay,we thinking of going to the koperasi,but Anis just said,why don't we go to the canteen first,and so we did.Nak dijadikan cite,I saw Key,so,watlek je la kan,xkan aku nak berzapin plak,and so we sit at our usual table which is quiet close to Key's table,*in short,the next table.
BUT,yg menjadikan cerita ini tragedi adalah dengan kehadiran sorg budak perempuan yang bernama Girl(bukan nama sebenar).Girl came towards us,and as usual,hye2,hoi2,kat kitorg.I already felt uneasy with her appearance coz she will ruin up everything,and she did!!
Mierre dah la already moody,as soon as she came and ader la something2 dia buat,aku pun moody jugak,so,aku dgn dramatiknya ambik fail aku,lantas beredar dari kantin itu tanpa menoleh kebelakang lagi.Ala2 "let the bygone be bygone" gitu.
I went to the middle of the stairs kat pagar belakang,sit there,*dgn posisi org tgh depress tu,and cry,alone,dgn angin sepoi2 bahasa.I cry until I satisfied.I called Anis,and she said she already at the bus stop outside off the school.She's alone.Also in a bad condition..and so do Mierre,*kat tepi longkang.Also alone,also in a bad condition,serius dramatik hari tu.Its all becoz of ONE girl name Girl.
Woahhh,this week,*sweat!,kills me.
Penat,penat,penat,penat,dan penat,there's so many things to say but....
since its too many,I already have no idea where to start.
What if we start with the sarcastic me??
WAIT2!There is something biggie happen this week,we(me,anis,mierre) got no tuition until Thursday.So,we've decide to stay back after school,and ya,what do u expect kitorg nak buat kalau kitorg stay?mestilah tunggu falling angel balik,oke,tell u what,2 jam 40 minit,kitorg duk goyang kaki kat bus stop tu,and dramatically,I STAND for the whole 2 hours and 4o mins.Bak kate aku kat Amelia,kalau kaki aku nie made in China,sah2 dah patah remuk dah.
But the climax of the story,is when it comes to Wednesday,so Rebecca Black,pasni buat lagu Wednesday pulak eh,tragic nieh!
Oke,Wednesday,me,Anis,and Mierre dah decide nk stay,we thinking of going to the koperasi,but Anis just said,why don't we go to the canteen first,and so we did.Nak dijadikan cite,I saw Key,so,watlek je la kan,xkan aku nak berzapin plak,and so we sit at our usual table which is quiet close to Key's table,*in short,the next table.
BUT,yg menjadikan cerita ini tragedi adalah dengan kehadiran sorg budak perempuan yang bernama Girl(bukan nama sebenar).Girl came towards us,and as usual,hye2,hoi2,kat kitorg.I already felt uneasy with her appearance coz she will ruin up everything,and she did!!
Mierre dah la already moody,as soon as she came and ader la something2 dia buat,aku pun moody jugak,so,aku dgn dramatiknya ambik fail aku,lantas beredar dari kantin itu tanpa menoleh kebelakang lagi.Ala2 "let the bygone be bygone" gitu.
I went to the middle of the stairs kat pagar belakang,sit there,*dgn posisi org tgh depress tu,and cry,alone,dgn angin sepoi2 bahasa.I cry until I satisfied.I called Anis,and she said she already at the bus stop outside off the school.She's alone.Also in a bad condition..and so do Mierre,*kat tepi longkang.Also alone,also in a bad condition,serius dramatik hari tu.Its all becoz of ONE girl name Girl.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
That should be ME.
That should be me
Holding your hands
That should be me
Making you laugh
That should be me
Buying you gifts.
That should be me
Walking with you
That should be me
Sitting next to you
That should be me
Taking care of you
That should be me
Helping you in study
That should be me
Replying your text
That should be me
U're looking at
That should be me
Making your night warm
That should be me
Calming you when you're down.
Honey,that should be me all the way.The one who "always be there" in your life.
The one who "sacrifice all" in your life.Why can't you see?I'm the one who will always care,concern,and love you.Please,sometime,it kills me to see your blindness.Dear Alah,show him something he didn't see.Dear Allah,tell him something he didn't know.Take care honey.
Holding your hands
That should be me
Making you laugh
That should be me
Buying you gifts.
That should be me
Walking with you
That should be me
Sitting next to you
That should be me
Taking care of you
That should be me
Helping you in study
That should be me
Replying your text
That should be me
U're looking at
That should be me
Making your night warm
That should be me
Calming you when you're down.
Honey,that should be me all the way.The one who "always be there" in your life.
The one who "sacrifice all" in your life.Why can't you see?I'm the one who will always care,concern,and love you.Please,sometime,it kills me to see your blindness.Dear Alah,show him something he didn't see.Dear Allah,tell him something he didn't know.Take care honey.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ahahahaha,its full of laughter,coz i just have a chat!with my friends,And3,mengikut kalendar Rebecca Black,hari ni Ahad,then esok Monday,so!!Means tommorow skolah!!whoo-hoooo!!!
Guess what??Don't have to guess,u know what will commonly happen at school,
I'm going to meet the teacher!
My juniors (AWWWW <3,u guys how cuteeee!)
My friends (WEEEE! =D my natural laughing gas)
I miss the school environment!!!
Eheeee,just listening to Selena Gomez,Who Says,that song,is how sweet!!
I'm going to meet Bieber tommorow,and of course!I'm looking forward for the next drama at school,it would surely be fun!
I'm not sure to bring pop2 or not,so just wait and see,and yeah,I dont care anymore!I'm just excited for school tommorow,hope it turns out nice,*And Allie,tlg lah bgun awal!.AMIINNNNN!!
Guess what??Don't have to guess,u know what will commonly happen at school,
I'm going to meet the teacher!
My juniors (AWWWW <3,u guys how cuteeee!)
My friends (WEEEE! =D my natural laughing gas)
I miss the school environment!!!
Eheeee,just listening to Selena Gomez,Who Says,that song,is how sweet!!
I'm going to meet Bieber tommorow,and of course!I'm looking forward for the next drama at school,it would surely be fun!
I'm not sure to bring pop2 or not,so just wait and see,and yeah,I dont care anymore!I'm just excited for school tommorow,hope it turns out nice,*And Allie,tlg lah bgun awal!.AMIINNNNN!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
27th May! wait for me!
Urghhhh,I am drop dead tired,this tirednesscould really kill people!
My preparation for 27th May starts this week,until,,,yeah,until before 27th May lol.
but,I'm just super tired,I have to workout for 3 hours everyday for this holiday!!
and swear thats tiredful!
Today,woke up early in the morning,went for a jog,then put on my gloves and did my kickboxing,then I took my bath and breakfast,watcht TV,bla3,have my lunch,and workout again after my Asar prayer,again,jog and kickboxing,and again,its tiring,I have to really do that this whole holiday,doesn't it kill u??
Well,I guess I have to do the same routine even after the holiday,workout after tuition,fuh!I have a super tight schedule every single day,but yeah,,since I always remember that time is running out,so I definately have to kickass eh?
After 27th May,I might be able to manage Jatto better,u know,paying more attention towards his daily routine since he will start workout on April,so I'll might be even more busy than I am today.*u see,I have a protege!hahaha,taking care of boys are just not easy okay!(u know,they're stubborn!)
Luckily Jatto is an easy going guy
Maybe thats all about my new tiring life and routine,I seriously need to have enough sleep since I have to wake up early tommorow and start kick ass XD
My preparation for 27th May starts this week,until,,,yeah,until before 27th May lol.
but,I'm just super tired,I have to workout for 3 hours everyday for this holiday!!
and swear thats tiredful!
Today,woke up early in the morning,went for a jog,then put on my gloves and did my kickboxing,then I took my bath and breakfast,watcht TV,bla3,have my lunch,and workout again after my Asar prayer,again,jog and kickboxing,and again,its tiring,I have to really do that this whole holiday,doesn't it kill u??
Well,I guess I have to do the same routine even after the holiday,workout after tuition,fuh!I have a super tight schedule every single day,but yeah,,since I always remember that time is running out,so I definately have to kickass eh?
After 27th May,I might be able to manage Jatto better,u know,paying more attention towards his daily routine since he will start workout on April,so I'll might be even more busy than I am today.*u see,I have a protege!hahaha,taking care of boys are just not easy okay!(u know,they're stubborn!)
Luckily Jatto is an easy going guy
Maybe thats all about my new tiring life and routine,I seriously need to have enough sleep since I have to wake up early tommorow and start kick ass XD
Saturday, March 12, 2011
New looks!
Not a new looks for me,its for my bloggiess!haha,thanks Tommy Lamey,she helped me on that,love ya!
Btw,today is again,a late-wake-up day!I'm not well,coz I eat a lot!I hate food,there's nothing much to say,again,coz the day just started,however,I'm wondering where's Clouden Skyle has gone to??I haven't seen him in fb lately,I need an update about my brother,honey.It's about his taekwondo class,as soon as I heard that he didn't tell the coach about his condition,I dropped my jaw off to the floor!Are u kidding me??!He's been training taekwondo for about 2 months,and none of the coaches know about his poor physical state!Honey,I know u're a determine guy,but,come on,u don't want to kill yourself,do you??U don't even want to kill me worrying about you like hell,DO YOU???So,Clouden offer me to look after him,and I was like a dog with two tails!ARIGATOU Clouden!U're so nice,but yet,I haven't receive the report for his training,its becoz a communication problem between me and Clouden,he's not on the line when I did.Gahhh,this kills me,and this is like the 2nd week training starting form our deal,but yeah,it's ok.
Another thing I forgot to write on Friday!*pelupa gila
Actually,Friday is addmath paper for March test right?
So,me,Anis,and Mierre,got EXTRA tuition,its from 3 p.m to 10 p.m,just doing addmath,*gila lah,but its fun!
So,during the free time for Maghrib prayer,we went to the night market,just in front of the tuition centre,and guess what we found??Its pop pop everyone!!Hahaha,excited gila nampak pop pop,then Anis bought 3 boxes of it,its a louder pop pop,during the next addmath class,I have the craziest idea,I want to bring the pop pop to school and throw it during the addmath test!hahahahaha!It must be fun!BUT!
SADLY,DAMNLY,I forgot to bring the next day!Coz I'm rushing before going to school at the morning,GRRRR.We were so excited the night before,imagining how shock our Physic teacher would be to hear the pop pop,*since we don'treally like that teacher,NVM!I keep some for her,and KEY!hahaha,can't wait to see his reaction about the pop pop sound!
Btw,today is again,a late-wake-up day!I'm not well,coz I eat a lot!I hate food,there's nothing much to say,again,coz the day just started,however,I'm wondering where's Clouden Skyle has gone to??I haven't seen him in fb lately,I need an update about my brother,honey.It's about his taekwondo class,as soon as I heard that he didn't tell the coach about his condition,I dropped my jaw off to the floor!Are u kidding me??!He's been training taekwondo for about 2 months,and none of the coaches know about his poor physical state!Honey,I know u're a determine guy,but,come on,u don't want to kill yourself,do you??U don't even want to kill me worrying about you like hell,DO YOU???So,Clouden offer me to look after him,and I was like a dog with two tails!ARIGATOU Clouden!U're so nice,but yet,I haven't receive the report for his training,its becoz a communication problem between me and Clouden,he's not on the line when I did.Gahhh,this kills me,and this is like the 2nd week training starting form our deal,but yeah,it's ok.
Another thing I forgot to write on Friday!*pelupa gila
Actually,Friday is addmath paper for March test right?
So,me,Anis,and Mierre,got EXTRA tuition,its from 3 p.m to 10 p.m,just doing addmath,*gila lah,but its fun!
So,during the free time for Maghrib prayer,we went to the night market,just in front of the tuition centre,and guess what we found??Its pop pop everyone!!Hahaha,excited gila nampak pop pop,then Anis bought 3 boxes of it,its a louder pop pop,during the next addmath class,I have the craziest idea,I want to bring the pop pop to school and throw it during the addmath test!hahahahaha!It must be fun!BUT!
SADLY,DAMNLY,I forgot to bring the next day!Coz I'm rushing before going to school at the morning,GRRRR.We were so excited the night before,imagining how shock our Physic teacher would be to hear the pop pop,*since we don'treally like that teacher,NVM!I keep some for her,and KEY!hahaha,can't wait to see his reaction about the pop pop sound!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Love each other!
Saya,Allie,menyeru rakan dan taulan,ayuhlah,kita love each other,untuk mewujudkan suasana harmoni,aman,damai,di Malaysia ini.
What theee...???
Hahaha,yeesterday at school,i forgot to tell theres a thing called "ikrar" for not taking drugs and smoke.Like d'oh...haha,*mana ada semangat aku bace ikrar tu.
And then erm,..rehat tu,I saw Key,and then me and my frens just more to like mingle around in hundreds of studentt for 'kuih tradisional feast' or whatever they call it.And chacho-ya force me to eat banana crips,and I was like "NO!!!",guess what then??Jazz ask chacho-ya to tickle me so that I'll open my mouth,and so I was like shutting my mouth hardly!I hate u guys,haha,I didn't eat anything anyway.And then saw Key again,ang again,and again,and again.haha XD.At night,I'm going to Hotel Royal Chulan,gah,as soon as I arrived,I saw Lamborghini,FUHHHH!*sweat!That car is superb,honey!Btw,that guy who served my table is cute,hahaha,really!He looks like Beto,waiyow!My Rosli Dhobi!My brother,sister,and of course,my mother received the award last night,congrats!
As for today,it's morning,honey,nothing much happen already.hahaha.But of course,I woke up pretty late,hehe,*peacee.It's becoz,of course,we went back home also pretty late,I think I went to sleep at 1 something in the morning.And sadly,Rabiulawal already arrived in China,hope he's having a great time!
And yeah,lately,I've been commenting on thiis junior's blog,she's nice.Well,for me,all my juniors are nice,*but of course,honestly,I don't think ALL of them are nice but MOST of them are.She's 15,how great!,isn't it??I miss the old me.*sigh...
What theee...???
Hahaha,yeesterday at school,i forgot to tell theres a thing called "ikrar" for not taking drugs and smoke.Like d'oh...haha,*mana ada semangat aku bace ikrar tu.
And then erm,..rehat tu,I saw Key,and then me and my frens just more to like mingle around in hundreds of studentt for 'kuih tradisional feast' or whatever they call it.And chacho-ya force me to eat banana crips,and I was like "NO!!!",guess what then??Jazz ask chacho-ya to tickle me so that I'll open my mouth,and so I was like shutting my mouth hardly!I hate u guys,haha,I didn't eat anything anyway.And then saw Key again,ang again,and again,and again.haha XD.At night,I'm going to Hotel Royal Chulan,gah,as soon as I arrived,I saw Lamborghini,FUHHHH!*sweat!That car is superb,honey!Btw,that guy who served my table is cute,hahaha,really!He looks like Beto,waiyow!My Rosli Dhobi!My brother,sister,and of course,my mother received the award last night,congrats!
As for today,it's morning,honey,nothing much happen already.hahaha.But of course,I woke up pretty late,hehe,*peacee.It's becoz,of course,we went back home also pretty late,I think I went to sleep at 1 something in the morning.And sadly,Rabiulawal already arrived in China,hope he's having a great time!
And yeah,lately,I've been commenting on thiis junior's blog,she's nice.Well,for me,all my juniors are nice,*but of course,honestly,I don't think ALL of them are nice but MOST of them are.She's 15,how great!,isn't it??I miss the old me.*sigh...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
You're so adorable when you say that!!
Heee,I'm just so excited XD
March test is over,honey...!
The last paper is addmath,I'm so scared,I got one question that I'm super sure I got it wrong!
But yeah,just trying to convince myself that everything is going to be oraittt!
Btw,today is Friday everyone!
As usual,must there be a miracle or something magical,or just SOMETHING IMPORTANT happen,and,true!There is!
I thought this Friday is going to be just a boring Friday and have to go for a dinner at blablabla hotel,but its not!
Today,roughly at 12.00,at school,in the library,something,a crazy idea came out,and there u go,it happen so fast,where,one of my "diary-letter",already at the person I'm writing about!
And 'Bieber' told me everything,and gahhhhhhhhh! I'm not sure how to react with this,Friday is totally like a life-changing day,honey.
And just now,someone called my house,and I picked up,but! theres no one saying something like "Helo?",I just heard someone talking to someone,whiile I was there like,"Hello" for hundreds time,people,make sure you're ready to talk when you want to call someone,duh.
Just listen to music and suddenly I saw an album form this girl facebook,and that album tittled "2 *N* 20**,and I was like,woaaaahhhhhHhhhhh!! Excited again.hahaha,when it's all about that person,everything turned out magical!JUST MAGICAL <3
Heee,I'm just so excited XD
March test is over,honey...!
The last paper is addmath,I'm so scared,I got one question that I'm super sure I got it wrong!
But yeah,just trying to convince myself that everything is going to be oraittt!
Btw,today is Friday everyone!
As usual,must there be a miracle or something magical,or just SOMETHING IMPORTANT happen,and,true!There is!
I thought this Friday is going to be just a boring Friday and have to go for a dinner at blablabla hotel,but its not!
Today,roughly at 12.00,at school,in the library,something,a crazy idea came out,and there u go,it happen so fast,where,one of my "diary-letter",already at the person I'm writing about!
And 'Bieber' told me everything,and gahhhhhhhhh! I'm not sure how to react with this,Friday is totally like a life-changing day,honey.
And just now,someone called my house,and I picked up,but! theres no one saying something like "Helo?",I just heard someone talking to someone,whiile I was there like,"Hello" for hundreds time,people,make sure you're ready to talk when you want to call someone,duh.
Just listen to music and suddenly I saw an album form this girl facebook,and that album tittled "2 *N* 20**,and I was like,woaaaahhhhhHhhhhh!! Excited again.hahaha,when it's all about that person,everything turned out magical!JUST MAGICAL <3
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Oh no,what happen to me,lately,it has been so much of "honey" came out from my mouth,its like a must-say-word.
Erghh,that fact make it sounds even more weird,duh,btw,the newest must-say-word is "UISH!",hahaha,it totally reminds me of SOMEONE.and then come my weirdest smile that looks like d'oh!
so many things,feelings,emotions,involved in my daily-disaster-life!*hows yours??
U know,March test,taking care of "new-born honey",tuition,new tuition member,new ANNOYMOUS,everything is so fresh,yet disturbing,and tiring.What do you expect honey?Its form 4,its 16!
Guess I'm not gonna type too long,I got more papers for March test honey.
Erghh,that fact make it sounds even more weird,duh,btw,the newest must-say-word is "UISH!",hahaha,it totally reminds me of SOMEONE.and then come my weirdest smile that looks like d'oh!
so many things,feelings,emotions,involved in my daily-disaster-life!*hows yours??
U know,March test,taking care of "new-born honey",tuition,new tuition member,new ANNOYMOUS,everything is so fresh,yet disturbing,and tiring.What do you expect honey?Its form 4,its 16!
Guess I'm not gonna type too long,I got more papers for March test honey.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
LALALA by Auburn is like superb!!
Btw,wooooahhhh!It has been freaking long no update,,
Like I used to say,I'm kind of tired to write about my Daily-Disaster Life...haha
I've been busy to the max!!(*baru awal tahun dah busy cm d'oh!)
I've been close with So-Lovely-Criminal!
*Dorg cm best kot!
Tuition,,,,(like whatttt???!)
Workout....(*damn it! tiredo!)
School...(*woooooo,so 'HOT'!)
Well,bout school,just trying to claim that im so bored with so typical life,just trying to have something new like "more independent"??
This is sooooo about JUNIORS and soooo about being SENIORS!
Arghhh! I hate being soo seniors! I feel so old,so not cool,and so bored,so damn it busy,while juniors are like having fun,laughter,boyfiesss,hahahaha,damn it! I HATE FIFTEENAGERS!
U guys are like the luckiest batch,I have the most UNFORGETTABLE FIFTEEN,and for the fact that I'm a SIXTEENAGER now,what a HEARTACHE. *sweat!
And,jyaaaaa!im tired of typing,*yeah,im sooooo OLD!
Oh noooooooo...
See ya!
Btw,wooooahhhh!It has been freaking long no update,,
Like I used to say,I'm kind of tired to write about my Daily-Disaster Life...haha
I've been busy to the max!!(*baru awal tahun dah busy cm d'oh!)
I've been close with So-Lovely-Criminal!
*Dorg cm best kot!
Tuition,,,,(like whatttt???!)
Workout....(*damn it! tiredo!)
School...(*woooooo,so 'HOT'!)
Well,bout school,just trying to claim that im so bored with so typical life,just trying to have something new like "more independent"??
This is sooooo about JUNIORS and soooo about being SENIORS!
Arghhh! I hate being soo seniors! I feel so old,so not cool,and so bored,so damn it busy,while juniors are like having fun,laughter,boyfiesss,hahahaha,damn it! I HATE FIFTEENAGERS!
U guys are like the luckiest batch,I have the most UNFORGETTABLE FIFTEEN,and for the fact that I'm a SIXTEENAGER now,what a HEARTACHE. *sweat!
And,jyaaaaa!im tired of typing,*yeah,im sooooo OLD!
Oh noooooooo...
See ya!
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