LALALA by Auburn is like superb!!
Btw,wooooahhhh!It has been freaking long no update,,
Like I used to say,I'm kind of tired to write about my Daily-Disaster Life...haha
I've been busy to the max!!(*baru awal tahun dah busy cm d'oh!)
I've been close with So-Lovely-Criminal!
*Dorg cm best kot!
Tuition,,,,(like whatttt???!)
Workout....(*damn it! tiredo!)
School...(*woooooo,so 'HOT'!)
Well,bout school,just trying to claim that im so bored with so typical life,just trying to have something new like "more independent"??
This is sooooo about JUNIORS and soooo about being SENIORS!
Arghhh! I hate being soo seniors! I feel so old,so not cool,and so bored,so damn it busy,while juniors are like having fun,laughter,boyfiesss,hahahaha,damn it! I HATE FIFTEENAGERS!
U guys are like the luckiest batch,I have the most UNFORGETTABLE FIFTEEN,and for the fact that I'm a SIXTEENAGER now,what a HEARTACHE. *sweat!
And,jyaaaaa!im tired of typing,*yeah,im sooooo OLD!
Oh noooooooo...
See ya!